ATC Offshore holds international membership and accreditation in the offshore industry.
We at ATC deliver high quality internationally recognised offshore crane operator training and assessments
from the highest of international regulations, standards and authorities. We understand the challenges faced in order
for employees to attend training courses and assessments across the greater south eastern Asian region including Australia.
Onsite training is a flexible and cost/time effective solution as we work around your
production schedules with minimal downtime. There is a reduced risk of your employees not
`showing-up’ to the training courses and training/assessment can be undertaken whilst work is being performed.
We can customize and modify training and assessment to meet your company and operational
policies, procedures, standards and any specific equipment requirements.
Our trainer/assessors and support team can undertake training needs analysis (TNA),
consulting, supervisions and development of skills training, community based education programs,
commissioning and shut downs, competency management and assurance and career pathways.